
  • Are You Your Microbiome? Ed Yong Explains It All

    Are You Your Microbiome? Ed Yong Explains It All

    Writer Ed Yong has been chronicling the science of microbial life for years at such outlets as The New York Times, the Atlantic (where he is now a staff writer) and his blog, Not Exactly Rocket Science (currently hosted by National Geographic). Now he has published his first book, I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within…

  • Deepak Chopra Thinks Stomach Bacteria Listens To Your Thoughts

    Deepak Chopra Thinks Stomach Bacteria Listens To Your Thoughts

    Holistic health advocate Deepak Chopra is at it again, this time spouting his patented food nonsense at the “Fat Summit” online conference. While speaking to celebrity doctor and alternative medicine enthusiast Mark Hyman, Chopra explained that the vast collection of microbes in our gut are actually capable of listening to our thoughts.

  • A Powder Made From Bacteria Waste Could Curb Overeating 

    A Powder Made From Bacteria Waste Could Curb Overeating 

    The bacteria living in our guts play in an active role is feeding us, whether it’s breaking down nutrients our own stomachs can’t handle, or synthesising vitamins. Here’s one more intriguing piece of the puzzle: a molecule excreted by the bacteria digesting fibre makes us feel more full.