Hollywood Plans to Use AI to Youngify Tom Hanks in Adaptation of Surreal Graphic Novel Here
Not to be left behind in any trend-chasing, Hollywood is scrambling after the promise of artificial intelligence. In this case, one movie is banking its premise on the promise of AI-driven deepfake tech.
Somewhere in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, There’s an Orc That Looks Like Harvey Weinstein
Lord of the Rings’ road to blockbuster movie stardom wasn’t all Kingsfoil and bountiful Hobbit luncheons. Peter Jackson’s vision for J.R.R. Tolkien’s vast world was incredibly ambitious, and a point of contention with production studios he attempted to convince to let him bring the fantasy saga to life. One particularly contentious producer in the saga’s…
Miramax Gets Cosy With Hulu, Too
In the streaming video wars, Miramax has today settled comfortably into the role of Switzerland. That sweet deal it lined up with Netflix a few weeks ago? Today they announced basically the same for Hulu. Good Will Hunting all around!