
  • You Can Now Print 3D Holograms On Your Inkjet Printer

    You Can Now Print 3D Holograms On Your Inkjet Printer

    Creating the types of 3D holograms that are used to authenticate products or currency usually requires very expensive, very complex printers. That’s what makes them so hard to counterfeit. But a team of researchers from MIT have created a new kind of 3D hologram that can be printed on the inkjet printer you probably already…

  • Why Do We Like The Music That We Like?

    Why Do We Like The Music That We Like?

    Some combinations of notes inherently sound better than others, right? It’s why the bread and butter of pop music, which is engineered to be upbeat and danceable, is highly consonant major chords. It’s why unpredictable 12-tone compositions create unease in the listener, and why Stravinsky’s dissonant Rite of Spring sparked a riot when it debuted.