
  • What Hiking From Mexico To Canada Does To Your Shoes

    What Hiking From Mexico To Canada Does To Your Shoes

    Hiking from Mexico through the United States and all the way up to Canada on the Pacific Coast Trail is just a little bit beyond a stroll in the park. It took Andrew Holzscuh, the hiker in the video, 166 days to take on over 4,184km. He got it done with only four pairs of…

  • Forging A Beautiful Sword From A Crowbar Is Smart As Hell

    Forging A Beautiful Sword From A Crowbar Is Smart As Hell

    If you think about it, a crowbar already comes vaguely sword-shaped (or as sword-shaped as any long metal tool can be). You just need to hammer down the curved end of the crowbar to create a hilt and then sharpen the straight edge to create the blade. To add flair to the super simple concept,…

  • Watch Liquid Nitrogen Dance Around On Different Fluids

    Watch Liquid Nitrogen Dance Around On Different Fluids

    Video: Liquid nitrogen is an endless source of fun. You can freeze things and smash things into pieces. Or you could pour it onto things and then watch the smoke monster move around and then smash things into pieces. Or you could dunk things in it and then watch the smoke disappear and then smash…