norman foster
The Death Star Has The Most Impressive Public Transit System In The Galaxy
After the release of the Rogue One trailer, the internet was abuzz with theories that parts of the new Star Wars film were filmed in a London Tube station. Which is, of course, not true. Everyone knows that the Death Star has an incredibly comprehensive public transit system — possibly the best in the universe.
4K Drone Footage Captures Apple’s New Spaceship HQ, And It’s Massive
After looking at rendered images for years, seeing real footage of Apple’s new spaceship of a headquarters is a little bit surreal. We got a peek at the building’s footprint last year, but a new clip shot with a drone in 4K really shows the building taking shape. Boy, is it huge.
Was Apple’s Futuristic HQ Inspired By A 1960s-Era San Francisco Motel?
Apple’s new Cupertino HQ promises to be an ultra-modern hub of highly considered, state-of-the-art design. But was this UFO-beamed-down-from-the-future actually inspired by a architectural relic from the Bay Area’s past?
Norman Foster On Apple’s HQ: Over 1000 Bikes, Four-Storey Glass Doors
Spaceship Apple is freaking huge: A 260,000sqm orb on a 176-acre parcel serving 12,000 employees in oh-so-suburban Cupertino. While talking to Architectural Record, architect Norman Foster defended the headquarter’s massive size and weird shape, and revealed some intriguing new details.