obi-wan kenobi

  • How The Phantom Menace Made Me Who I Am Today

    How The Phantom Menace Made Me Who I Am Today

    Everyone’s parents tell stories of how their world was different from ours. When it came to media, my parents told me how they only had a handful of TV channels. Their parents told them they didn’t even have TV. For me, I’ll tell kids that I truly discovered not just the internet, but myself, because…

  • One of the Rarest Star Wars Toys Ever Made Could Be Yours

    One of the Rarest Star Wars Toys Ever Made Could Be Yours

    While May the Fourth has come and gone, you have a few weeks to save money ahead of Heritage Auctions’ next Star Wars-themed sale, which happens May 31. The superstar of this one is Kenner’s famously rare Boba Fett figure with “rocket-firing” action, which was never released after being deemed a choking hazard. Further making…