
  • Harvard’s Robotic Tentacle Gripper Is Pure Nightmare Fuel

    Harvard’s Robotic Tentacle Gripper Is Pure Nightmare Fuel

    Part of the versatility of the human hand’s ability to pick up almost anything comes from being able to apply a gentle touch for frail or oddly-shaped objects. That’s something robots struggle with, particularly when functioning autonomously, and unfortunately the solution could lie with an unorthodox gripper design that looks straight out of a horror…

  • Octopuses Dream in ‘GIFs,’ New Experiment Suggests

    Octopuses Dream in ‘GIFs,’ New Experiment Suggests

    Two years ago, a PBS documentary video showed an octopus named Heidi in what appeared to be an active dream state. Her arms twitched as she slumbered, and her skin flipped wildly through all sorts of alien textures. Most dramatically, however, the cephalopod changed colours, flashing in greens and reds like a malfunctioning billboard.