Panasonic’s Cup Holder Air Purifier Will Get Rid of That New Car Smell You Really Shouldn’t Be Breathing
Part of the fun of buying a new car is that distinctive new car smell you only get from a vehicle fresh off the dealer’s lot, but it’s also probably a smell you really shouldn’t be inhaling. (Womp, womp!) Instead of driving around for weeks with all the windows open to get rid of it,…
Your Sense Of Smell Is Not As Terrible As You Think
Watch a dog sniff its way around town, smelling grass, fire hydrants and butts along the way. You might think, “Wow, I’ll never be able to do that.” But why not? Have you even tried?
Why Do We Smell The Change Of Seasons?
Flowers may be spring’s hallmark, but humans can also smell the change of seasons. What exactly is that familiar scent that lets us know it’s a new time of year? Turns out, it’s a lot more complicated than wood smoke and pumpkin spice lattes.
Exploring Paris Through Smell
On a recent evening in San Francisco, a couple dozen well-dressed and hiply bespectacled young people leaned over glass cones and inhaled. The purpose? Time travel.