
  • Why Digital Coercive Control Can Be Inescapable in Rural Australia

    Why Digital Coercive Control Can Be Inescapable in Rural Australia

    Domestic and family violence perpetrators commonly use technology such as phones and other devices as a weapon to control and entrap victims and survivors, alongside other forms of abuse. This “digital coercive control” is not bound to a particular location and can follow targets anywhere, any time they access devices or digital media. For women…

  • The Government Says Tech Solutions Alone Won’t Stop Kids Accessing Pornography

    The Government Says Tech Solutions Alone Won’t Stop Kids Accessing Pornography

    The Australian Federal Government says it is considering if the Digital Transformation Agency’s (DTA) digital identity system could be used for age verification when accessing pornography in an effort to protect children from exposure to pornographic content. The government’s comments come in response to a report on age verification for online pornography and wagering by…