
  • The Handheld Mathematics Of Geometer Ron Resch

    The Handheld Mathematics Of Geometer Ron Resch

    Visionary applied geometer Ron Resch, who passed away in 2012, is the subject of the incredible documentary embedded above, that, while by no means new (it was produced back in the grainy days of 1970) seemed worth posting here. Over the course of its more than 40 minutes of mind-altering geometry and material experimentation, we…

  • This Origami BBQ Will Make You Hungry Enough To Eat Paper

    This Origami BBQ Will Make You Hungry Enough To Eat Paper

    Summer may be behind us, but we can still imagine what BBQs felt (and tasted like). In this fictional scenario, you could go down to the supermarket to pick up everything you need for a tasty feast, or you could just make do with what you can find on your desk. That second option is…