outline of chess

  • Neuralink Livestreams Paralysed Patient Playing Video Games With His Mind

    Neuralink Livestreams Paralysed Patient Playing Video Games With His Mind

    Neuralink, Elon Musk’s neuroscience startup, live-streamed an interview with its first patient on Wednesday. The man in question, a 29-year-old quadriplegic who identifies himself as Noland Arbaugh, said that he has been unable to move his arms or legs for nearly a decade. Using Neuralink’s brain implant, which was inserted in January, the man now…

  • Hans Niemann’s War With Chess.com Over Cheating Scandal Comes to an End

    Hans Niemann’s War With Chess.com Over Cheating Scandal Comes to an End

    One of the greatest chess dramas of the 21st century hasn’t ended with the bang of a chess-cheating vibrator hitting the floor but with the whimper of an arbitration agreement. On Monday, Chess.com and young “chess prodigy” Hans Niemann reached a settlement that will end the chess player’s $100 million lawsuit in exchange for allowing…