pablo hidalgo
The Acolyte Will Incorporate More Star Wars Legends
With three episodes left in the first season of The Acolyte, show creator Leslye Headland admits she isn’t quite done incorporating pieces of old-school Star Wars mythology from the Expanded Universe, aka Legends. Legends, of course, is the name for Star Wars stories written before Disney bought the franchise and put everything under one big…
George Lucas Also Would have Killed Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode 8
Thanks to a new book written by Lucasfilm Star Wars fact extraordinaire Pablo Hidalgo, we have a lot of interesting new information about the galaxy far, far away. And it turns out George Lucas’s original plans for a sequel trilogy bore some interesting resemblances to what actually happened.
The Insanely Influential Star Wars Sourcebook And Roleplaying Game Are Coming Back
If you were a kid in the late 1980s or early 1990s, Star Wars was almost totally gone from the pop culture landscape. However, one place it not only lived, but thrived, was on the page, thanks in large part to two Star Wars volumes: The Roleplaying Game and Sourcebook.
This 1994 Star Wars Style Guide Proves Hindsight Is A Wonderful Thing
In the mid-’90s, the Star Wars galaxy grew rapidly, thanks to the rise of the then-fledgling Expanded Universe, In fact, there were special writer’s bibles to help people pitch material that felt like Star Wars. Looking back at these style guides with the knowledge of the Star Wars films that came after them, though, can…