past perfect

  • The First Emoticons Were Used In 1881

    The First Emoticons Were Used In 1881

    =) -_- T_T =P 😉 Oh, the emoticon. Depending on who you’re talking to (or I guess texting to? messaging to?) at the moment, emoticons can be as common as some words. When did they first start showing up? Did people write letters with smileys and frowny faces? Were typewriters used to express emotion through…

  • No, Children Of 1990, Computers Are Not The Devil

    No, Children Of 1990, Computers Are Not The Devil

    Computers may be ubiquitous now, but they were just beginning to enter the mainstream in 1990. Like any revolutionary technology, the desktop computer was viewed with more than a little scepticism by the average person. Luckily, David Neil of PBS’s Newton’s Apple was there to explain to a group of dubious high-schoolers that computers are…