
  • Suction Cup Viewfinder Makes Your iPhone More Like A DSLR

    Suction Cup Viewfinder Makes Your iPhone More Like A DSLR

    If you’re a professional photographer who has reluctantly embraced the iPhone as an occasional alternative to your DSLR, you’re gonna love Photojojo’s latest smartphone accessory. It’s a suction cup viewfinder that sticks your iPhone’s display letting you block out all the distractions around you and frame your shots the same way you would with your…

  • This Polygamist Mouse Can Partner With Nine Devices

    This Polygamist Mouse Can Partner With Nine Devices

    Besides a lack of unruly cables, the other big advantage to using wireless accessories like a Bluetooth mouse is that they can be easily swapped between devices. And Elecom is betting that there are enough consumers using nine different devices at once to profit on its new 9nove wireless mouse. Good luck with that.