physical geography

  • Life-Threatening Cold Grips the Northern Rockies and Midwest

    Life-Threatening Cold Grips the Northern Rockies and Midwest

    The U.S. is in a race to cram in as much unhinged weather as possible before the year ends. The latest addition to the trophy case: bone-chilling cold in the Northern Rockies and Midwest, where wind chill values could reach minus-50 degrees Fahrenheit (minus-46 degrees Celsius) over the next two days, with the freeze lingering…

  • We’re Turning the Arctic Into a Trash Dump

    We’re Turning the Arctic Into a Trash Dump

    Piles of new trash on Arctic shores, rain in unprecedented places, noises from ships disrupting wildlife: Human influence has made the Arctic unrecognizable from what it looked like even just a decade ago. That’s the verdict of the new Arctic Report Card, which scientists presented on Tuesday.