How To Swap Facebook’s New Reaction Emojis With Donald Trump Or Pokémon
Why “like” something with a thumbs-up or smiley face, when you can say it with Donald Trump’s spray-tanned mug or a startled Pikachu?
Well, That’s Insulting: This Technology Wants You To Read Less
Time was “tl;dr” was the battle cry of lazy internet jackasses, people with no attention span who nevertheless found the energy and wherewithal to complain about the length of any digital piece of writing that dared to be longer than a few sentences. Today, at CES, tl;dr is an irritating new “innovation”.
Banish Charlie Sheen From The Internet With This Plugin
WINNING! TIGERBLOOD! I BEAT MY WIFE! COCAINE! If you’re getting sick of the Charlie Sheen internet locomotive, this handy Chrome and Firefox plugin – “Tinted Sheen” – will blot out all text and image mentions of the disintegrating has-been. [via BoingBoing]