project glass
It’s Going To Be A Whole Lot Easier To Get Google Glass Soon
You might get a chance to get your hands on Google Glass sooner than you expected. The Financial Times is reporting that Google is making “tens of thousands” more pairs in the next few months.
Some Random Shit You Can Ask Glass
Do you have Glass? I don’t. But here are 20 random things you can ask Glass to search for.
Why Google Didn’t Talk About Glass Yesterday
Remember last year’s I/O keynote and all the skydiving and bike riding shenanigans Google pulled? That was fun! Not to mention the big reveal: Google Glass. But if you managed to catch yesterday’s three hour keynote, you probably noticed that Glass was noticeably absent. What’s up with that?
Eric Schmidt: Controlling Google Glass With Your Voice Is ‘The Weirdest Thing’
There’s a lot of quirkiness to Google Glass and a lot of stuff that Google still has to figure out. One of those things, according to ol’ Google CEO Eric Schmidt, is talking out loud to control Google Glass. In a talk at Harvard today, Schmitty literally called it “the weirdest thing”.