
  • The Most Disappointing Gadgets of 2021

    The Most Disappointing Gadgets of 2021

    We review a lot of gadgets here at Gizmodo, and honestly, many of them are good. We detailed our favourites here. But we also see a lot of really bad products — some are just plain bad, while others are capable and well-designed but fatally flawed in one way or another (usually when it comes…

  • Facebook’s Ray-Ban Glasses Leaked and They Look Awfully Familiar

    Facebook’s Ray-Ban Glasses Leaked and They Look Awfully Familiar

    After years of murmurs, Facebook was all set to formally announce its first pair of “smart” sunglasses today. Ray-Ban, Facebook’s partner on this project, even put up a splashy site teasing the announcement two days ago. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg even posted video clips supposedly taken with the device. And then the glasses leaked.