
  • Updates From Spider-Man 3, Army of the Dead, and More

    Updates From Spider-Man 3, Army of the Dead, and More

    Andy Samberg and Ben Stiller are headed to Apple TV for a new sci-fi comedy. Vin Diesel is staying quiet about Fast & Furious 9‘s space-bound potential. Another familiar Marvel face is confirmed for What If? Plus, Cobra Kai co-showrunner Jon Hurwitz teases some big ramifications for the next season. Spoilers get!

  • Sex Isn’t As Risky As You Think It Is

    Sex Isn’t As Risky As You Think It Is

    People are crap at estimating risk. They’re scared of flying, for example, even though it’s far less likely that their metal sky-bird will crash and burn than their car will get crushed by a truck on the way to the airport. Combine that with a tendency to get judgey about sex, and you’ll find attitudes…

  • Why Pain Rewards

    Why Pain Rewards

    Why do we seek out challenging experiences in the outdoors? And why does the pain, suffering and risk make them more rewarding? We talked to a leading sports psychologist to find out.