This Man’s A Cappella Rendition Of The THX Logo Theme Will Take You Back To A Long Time Ago…
GIF: THX Before the Inception “Bwomp,” the THX “Deep Note” was the most recognisable and inscrutable sound in cinema. For its 35th anniversary, THX released the official sheet music for that warm wall of sound — so now it’s time for the internet to take a crack at recreating it. Everyone is going to have…
Watch A High-Powered Cleaning Laser Annihilate Everything In Its Path
Video: The next time you’re staring down a tough cleaning job — be it removing paint, rust or lasagna from a baking dish — don’t waste your time with harsh chemicals, sand paper or scrubbers. Get yourself a 1000-watt laser and blast away that filth and grime in just seconds.
Man Makes Pliers Out Of Solid Wood Using Just 10 Cuts And Pure Genius
Watch David Warther making wooden pliers using a simple pocket knife his dad — famed master carver Ernest “Mooney” Warther — designed in the early 1900s. It only takes him 10 cuts and a few seconds — so simple and fast that it feels like magic. Also, I could watch this man talking and doing…