search for extraterrestrial intelligence

  • Was It A Good Idea To Beam Our Best Techno To An Alien World?

    Was It A Good Idea To Beam Our Best Techno To An Alien World?

    In the year 2030, a powerful radio transmission originating from Earth will arrive at a potentially habitable exoplanet located approximately 12.4 light years away. Should any alien intelligence be there to receive it, they’re in for quite a treat: This binary stream of data contains short musical clips from some of the world’s best electronic…

  • Hibernating Aliens Could Explain The Great Silence

    Hibernating Aliens Could Explain The Great Silence

    We have yet to find any traces of extraterrestrial intelligence, a vexing problem known as the Fermi Paradox. A new solution to the “where are all the aliens?” conundrum suggests that advanced aliens do exist — but they’re in a self-imposed state of hibernation, waiting for a future era of the cosmos in which they…