
  • Everything Is Organised In This Architect’s Lego Basement

    Everything Is Organised In This Architect’s Lego Basement

    On the surface, owning 250,000 Lego pieces sounds awesome. But then you start to think about it: the late-night encounters with carpets in the brick; trying to find that one particular head; trying to explain things to your insurance broker. Clearly, you’re going to need one hell of a storage system.

  • The US Cities That Allow The Tiniest Apartments

    The US Cities That Allow The Tiniest Apartments

    The development of micro-housing — apartments and other dwellings smaller than 28 square metres — is a growing trend in many popular cities cramped for space. But where in the country can you find the teeniest examples of this trend? Maybe not the cities you’d first guess.

  • 8 Massive Tunnels Being Built Right Now

    8 Massive Tunnels Being Built Right Now

    Now that we know it was an 20cm steel pipe that brought the world’s largest-diameter tunnelling machine to a halt up in Seattle, we can no longer fantasise about Bertha unearthing a five-storey-tall buried locomotive. But we can look at something almost as fascinating: The other giant holes that are currently being churned through the…