
  • The 11 Best (and Worst) Sentient Robots From Sci-Fi

    The 11 Best (and Worst) Sentient Robots From Sci-Fi

    Earlier this month, a Google engineer, Blake Lemoine, claimed his employer had inadvertently created a sentient AI chatbot system, called Language Model for Dialogue Applications — or LaMDA, for short. Lemoine had been tasked with seeing if the LaMDA’s programming showed any tendencies toward hate speech or discrimination in conversation with the average person, the…

  • The Matrix’s Queer Subtext Is Plain Text in Resurrections

    The Matrix’s Queer Subtext Is Plain Text in Resurrections

    Up until Resurrections, the Matrix series hasn’t directly acknowledged LGBTQ people at all. Switch was written as trans in the original Matrix screenplay but the character was changed for the finished film, because studio executives were confused. That didn’t stop queer readings of the work, of course, which intensified after directors Lana and Lilly Wachowski…

  • The Matrix Revolutions Kind of Made Me Less Excited for Resurrections

    The Matrix Revolutions Kind of Made Me Less Excited for Resurrections

    Rewatching The Matrix Revolutions, the reasons why it’s regarded so poorly are crystal clear. The story is disjointed, characters don’t particularly change, the action scenes feel either completely unnecessary or way too long, and the ending is terrible. Coming after the all-but-perfect original film and flawed but forgivable sequel, Revolutions is a huge letdown. It…