Microsoft recalls Recall: 5 Tech Things to Know in Australia Today
From Microsoft delaying a wide release of Recall to Climate 200 taking aim, here are five things headlining tech news in Australia today.
Cheap, Non-Toxic and Recyclable: These Printable Solar Panels Could Be a Renewable Dream Come True
Printed solar panels could be a solution to energy requirements in remote areas and on roofs where standard panels can’t be installed.
The Best Sites Across Australia for New Wind and Solar Power Plants
Renewable energy’s share of Australia’s main electricity grid has more than doubled from 16% to 35% in five years, and the federal government wants this figure to reach 82% by 2030. Nearly all new power plants in Australia are solar and wind because these are the cheapest sources of electricity. Some of the extra solar…
Lightyear Starts Building World’s First Solar-Powered Production Car
Upstart Dutch automaker Lightyear said recently it’s officially putting its solar-powered car, the Lightyear 0, into production. That’s a first for a vehicle powered directly by sunlight.