The Biblical Mythos That Inspired Oscar Isaac’s Head Wounds: Sparrow
What do you think of when you imagine the angels of the Bible? Renaissance paintings of these divine beings pictured beautiful, toga-clad creatures with wings like doves, but those depictions aren’t in line with many Biblical, Hebrew, and Islamic descriptions of Gods’ messengers.
Apple Spikes Sparrow’s iPhone 5 Update
When Apple launched the iPhone 5 in September, the dev team behind Sparrow was quick to announce that it would be updating its wonderful email client for the new, larger screen — but Apple has rejected the new version of the app.
Sparrow Coming To iPad
Sparrow for Mac is pretty great. And Sparrow for iPhone is also pretty great. So there’s good reason to be excited about the Sparrow team’s announcement that Sparrow is coming to the iPad. Hopefully this arrives sooner than later, but we’ll sit in anticipation either way. [Sparrow]
Sparrow For Mac Keeps Getting Better And Better
Sparrow is a Gmail-specific email client for OS X that looks and acts like Twitter for Mac. I love it. So does Matt. And so does Lifehacker. And now it’s faster and more powerful.