
  • The Justice League x RWBY Movie Takes DC Heroes a-Hunting

    The Justice League x RWBY Movie Takes DC Heroes a-Hunting

    Getting mysteriously transported to the monster-filled world of Remnant is basically a Tuesday for the Justice League. But getting mysteriously transported to a monster-filled world and somehow waking up as amnesiac teens? Yeah, even for the Justice League, that’s a bit more unusual.

  • Rahul Kohli on How Fandom Can Bring Old Games Back

    Rahul Kohli on How Fandom Can Bring Old Games Back

    Beloved nerd, noted horror/comedy actor, and internet handsome man Rahul Kohli is going to be in a video game. I don’t mean he’s going to be voice acting (although, you know I wouldn’t hate that at all), but he’s actually going to be featured on a new Trooper Card in the upcoming English version of Sega’s…