stable diffusion

  • Google Tells Anti-Woke Babies That Gemini’s Black Vikings Missed The Mark

    Google Tells Anti-Woke Babies That Gemini’s Black Vikings Missed The Mark

    Google’s AI chatbot Gemini has a unique problem. It has a hard time producing pictures of white people, often turning Vikings, founding fathers, and Canadian hockey players into people of color. This sparked outrage from the anti-woke community, claiming racism against white people. Today, Google acknowledged Gemini’s error. “We’re working to improve these kinds of…

  • Stable Doodle Turns Your Dumbest Scribbles Into Off-Putting AI Art

    Stable Doodle Turns Your Dumbest Scribbles Into Off-Putting AI Art

    From the makers of Stable Diffusion, Stable Doodle is the company’s latest free text-to-image and image-to-image combo. It takes your poor attempts at mouse-drawn images and converts them into a more cohesive AI illustration. The service is free, and users on the Stability AI-owned Clipdrop platform can use their mouse (or a drawing tablet) to…