Women Are Being Pushed Out of Tech Industry, and Girl Geek Academy Wants That to Change
Girl Geek Academy’s ‘Enough Talk’ report paints a damning picture of of the tech and wider STEM industries for women and girls.
The Creators of This Video Remixing Projector Want You to Forget About That Whole Kanye West Thing
Kano, the company behind the $US200 ($278) Stem Player that was once the only way to buy Ye’s Donda 2 album, is back with a de-Ye-tified version of the device, as well as a new Stem Projector that promises to offer the same remixing tricks for videos, but minus the problematic connection to a celebrity…
The Link Between Sports Cards and Keeping Kids Engaged In Maths
When it comes to collecting sports cards, people often focus on the cards’ financial worth. And understandably so. After all, when a small piece of cardboard that originally cost just dollars or even cents is suddenly worth more than a million bucks after the featured player rises to fame, it’s hard to ignore the kind…
How Adopting New Tech Could Drive Australia’s Economic Recovery
Over the next few years, science and technology will have a vital role in supporting Australia’s economy as it strives to recover from the coronavirus pandemic. At Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, we’ve identified opportunities that can help businesses drive economic recovery. We examined how the pandemic has created or intensified opportunities for economic growth…