the lord of the rings

  • The Fellowship of the Rings’ Introduction to the Shire Is Perfect

    The Fellowship of the Rings’ Introduction to the Shire Is Perfect

    Today, September 22 (by Shire-reckoning or otherwise), marks the twin birthdays of two of the finest halflings in all of fantasy fiction: Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, ringbearers, heroes of Middle-earth, and lovers of food, ale, pipeweed, and books. But while their journeys there and back again are much beloved, one of their greatest highs together…

  • Revisiting the Weird Legacy of Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

    Revisiting the Weird Legacy of Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

    The Lord of the Rings movies came out at arguably the height of video game movie tie-ins. The series got everything from traditional hack-and-slash action games to strategy titles, but one of the weirdest and most interesting of them all was 2004’s The Third Age. Part Final Fantasy knock-off, part movie retelling, it asked a…