today i found out
The Life-Saving Science Behind Sunscreen
Every summer we slather layers of sunscreen with the highest SPF we can find, and bravely venture outside hoping our slimy cloak will shield us from the sun’s death rays. So how does this work?
The US Once Poisoned Alcohol Supplies To Scare People Away From Drinking
Today I found out that in an effort to scare people away from drinking alcohol, the US government once poisoned certain alcohol supplies; this resulted in the death of over 10,000 citizens. This, of course, was during Prohibition. The government became frustrated with the fact that despite the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol being…
How One Australian Man’s Blood Donations Saved Over Two Million Lives
Today I found out about a man who saved over two million lives just by donating his somewhat unique blood plasma. Australian James Harrison is called “the man with the golden arm” due to the unusual composition of his blood. Harrison’s blood contains an antibody called Rho(D) Immune Globulin that is used to treat Rhesus…
‘Blowing Smoke Up Your Ass’ Used To Be Literal
When someone is “blowing smoke up your ass” today, it is a figure of speech that means that one person is complimenting another, insincerely most of the time, in order to inflate the ego of the individual being flattered.