
  • Behold The Most Accurate Simulation Of An F5 Tornado Ever

    Behold The Most Accurate Simulation Of An F5 Tornado Ever

    As awful as the movie Twister was, it helped bring to light the challenges of researching tornadoes. Namely, how do you get close enough to study something that’s powerful enough to kill you? One obvious solution is to simulate them, and thanks to recent advancements, a team of researchers was finally able to create a…

  • Physicist Proposes 300m Anti-Tornado Walls

    Physicist Proposes 300m Anti-Tornado Walls

    When it comes to radical mega-infrastructure projects, we can only dream — but we dream big. Here is one such staggering proposal to build miles and miles of 300m tall super-walls that will once and forever save Tornado Alley in the US from its eponymous natural disaster.