
  • Biden Administration Falls Short On Crucial Climate Goal

    Biden Administration Falls Short On Crucial Climate Goal

    Just $US1 ($1) billion has been allocated for international climate finance in the latest federal spending bill — a far cry from the $US11 ($15) billion a year President Biden had promised to other world leaders. It’s also just $US387 ($537) million more than the Trump administration put towards similar causes last year, according to…

  • Joe Rogan Joined Gettr 10-Days Ago and Already Thinks It Sucks

    Joe Rogan Joined Gettr 10-Days Ago and Already Thinks It Sucks

    Between promoting scientifically baseless theories that the coronavirus pandemic has triggered “mass formation psychosis” and switching to a fruit and meat diet, wildly popular podcaster Joe Rogan found the time to become active on MAGA-themed social media site Gettr. Surprise, he hates it.