
  • Look At All These Tech Panels That Are Only Dudes

    Look At All These Tech Panels That Are Only Dudes

    We know that Silicon Valley has a women problem, and it’s not just at Pied Piper. Even worse, perhaps, is what happens when these mostly-male tech companies are invited to talk about their success with other mostly-male tech companies at public events. It’s not at all unusual to see seven penises onstage without a vagina…

  • I Could Spend Hours Gazing At Pictures From Old Science Magazines

    I Could Spend Hours Gazing At Pictures From Old Science Magazines

    Briefly: If you’re on the lookout for a good old-fashioned internet time-suck, head over to the Tumblr scienceisstrange, where one hero has scanned a great many pages of over 300 issues of SCIENCE magazine from 1950-1980. The collection is full of great ads, illustrations, and photos depicting retro-gadgetry and science in all its halftone printed…

  • The Very First Wikipedia Entries For 19 Tech Icons

    The Very First Wikipedia Entries For 19 Tech Icons

    Single-serving tumblrs tend to fizzle out and die before their first day is even up, but First Drafts of History might actually have some staying power. Because when it comes to hunting down the more delightfully bizarre of Wikipedia’s first entries, there’s enough material to last a lifetime.