
  • I Guess I Need This 1.83 m Inflatable RC T. Rex

    I Guess I Need This 1.83 m Inflatable RC T. Rex

    A new Jurassic movie is just around the corner, which means that before theatres fill with dino fans, toy store shelves will fill with dino toys, including what is easily the largest T. rex toy you can buy and also the best way to secretly terrorize your friends, family, and co-workers.

  • 2.5 Billion Tyrannosaurus Rex May Have Roamed Earth

    2.5 Billion Tyrannosaurus Rex May Have Roamed Earth

    In total, some 2.5 billion Tyrannosaurus rex may have reached maturity and marauded the Cretaceous landscape, according to a new study published today in the journal Science. Though the researchers indicate a range in the plausible number of the apex predators, all signs point to an “absolute abundance” of the animals, as written in the…