
  • Gizmodo Puzzle: Can You Survive the Hunger Games?

    Gizmodo Puzzle: Can You Survive the Hunger Games?

    Puzzles and dystopian fiction have a recurring theme in common: those in power forcing their subjects to play twisted games for entertainment. Crack the spine of any brainteaser book, and it reads like The Hunger Games–prisoners vying for their lives and monarchs sacrificing their servants in the name of logic. One of the most popular…

  • A New ‘Transformers’ Clip Speeds Through Manhattan

    A New ‘Transformers’ Clip Speeds Through Manhattan

    A lot of little things this morning — updates on the horror-thriller Succubus, the new Alien series, and an episode recap of From. Lastly, AMC has also released an extremely short teaser for Daryl Dixon’s Walking Dead spinoff, seemingly assuring fans that it’s in production. Tasteless, considering that the writers of that show are currently…