
  • The Archie Gang Vs. Krampus? Yep, the Archie Gang Vs. Krampus

    The Archie Gang Vs. Krampus? Yep, the Archie Gang Vs. Krampus

    If you thought Archie Comics’ horror series was running out of ridiculous monsters for its stars to battle, well, the publisher has a little Christmas present for you. Namely, an upcoming one-shot titled Happy Horror Days, which features three tales of holiday mayhem, and Gizmodo has a special preview of all three.

  • Riverdale Killed Off a Major Character (Kind of)

    Riverdale Killed Off a Major Character (Kind of)

    Oh, Riverdale, please never change. Your ridiculousness is always a delight, and you somehow manage to keep getting more ridiculous. However, last night’s season six premiere on the CW set a bar so high I honestly don’t know how you’ll top it. It was also the beginning of a five-part Riverdale “event” and it kicked…