
  • Switzerland Would Like You To Hack Its E-Voting System

    Switzerland Would Like You To Hack Its E-Voting System

    Online voting still isn’t a thing in most of the world due to concerns about security, accountability, privacy, and voter verification. But the Swiss government has an interesting plan in mind to help improve its e-voting system: Put out bounties for any white hat hackers who can find bugs during a dummy election later this…

  • Why Australia Should Stay Away From Electronic Voting

    Why Australia Should Stay Away From Electronic Voting

    The civic experience of interacting with analogue voting interfaces is as Australian as the democracy sausage. Voters are confronted with tiny pencils, plus physical security measures that involve huddling in a cardboard booth and origami-scale folding. The use of paper ballots – and human counting of those ballots – creates one of the most secure…

  • Facebook Had An Insane Effect On US Voter Registration

    Facebook Had An Insane Effect On US Voter Registration

    As if we needed a reminder of how intertwined Facebook and politics are in 2016, a new report citing top US election officials says that the social media company contributed to substantial increases in voter registration throughout the US during a brief drive on the site last month. This is hardly the first time Facebook…