warner bros

  • Disney Seems to Be Preparing for a Long Strike

    Disney Seems to Be Preparing for a Long Strike

    When the covid-19 pandemic delayed the releases of major movies, there was nothing the studios could do to stop it. Genuine health risks meant theatres had to close and without theatres, there wasn’t anywhere to screen new movies. Now movie delays are starting to happen again—only this time, the studios could very easily solve it…

  • The Flash Isn’t Just a Movie, It’s Now an NFT

    The Flash Isn’t Just a Movie, It’s Now an NFT

    Warner Bros.’ The Flash will be a full month old by the end of the weekend, and to say it’s had an eventful lifecycle might be understating things a bit. If things couldn’t get any stranger for the movie that WB was hoping would be a global sensation and then very much wasn’t, the film…