washington post

  • Word Salad US President Demands ‘Really Long Strike’ Against Jeff Bezos

    Word Salad US President Demands ‘Really Long Strike’ Against Jeff Bezos

    Trump shaking hands with Bezos at a White House event in 2017.Photo: Chip Somodevilla (Getty Images) In between bragging, retweeting himself, and managing to repeat the phrase “Russian Collusion” four times in one tweet, Donald Trump found the time yesterday to rev back up his ongoing feud with billionaire Jeff Bezos, who controls two companies…

  • Edward Snowden Takes A Victory Lap

    Edward Snowden Takes A Victory Lap

    The Washington Post has published the first interview with Edward Snowden since the initial wave of press after the 30-year-old former analyst’s leaks this summer. His main theme: Edward Snowden done good. This is not to say that Snowden doesn’t deserve the praise. The Washington Post makes it very clear in nearly 4,500 words of…