water conservation

  • Maine’s New Law Will Finally Make Companies Pay for Recycling

    Maine’s New Law Will Finally Make Companies Pay for Recycling

    Maine is forcing polluters to clean up their act — by making them pay to recycle their waste. On Tuesday, Gov. Janet Mills a groundbreaking new law that makes the state the first in the country to shift the burden from consumers to producers for the waste they create, in hopes that it will help…

  • Just 20 Companies Create 55% of Plastic Waste

    Just 20 Companies Create 55% of Plastic Waste

    Plastic producers have tried to make us think that individuals can solve pollution by improving our recycling and shopping habits. A new study makes it clear why that’s their tactic. Just 20 companies are responsible for more than half of the world’s trashed single-use plastic.

  • Amazon Is Creating an Empire of Trash

    Amazon Is Creating an Empire of Trash

    Amazon has been making a mint during the pandemic. That business has resulted in multi-billion dollar pay days for the company’s soon-to-be former CEO, and millions of the company’s iconic cardboard boxes being left on doorsteps, and in lobbies and mailboxes every day. And when those piles of boxes climb higher, the cost they carry continues…