weather is happening

  • 2020 Could’ve Been So Much Worse

    2020 Could’ve Been So Much Worse

    A week into 2021, the lesson is already clear that things can get so, so much worse. As if to underscore that, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a report on Friday looking back on 2020, which shows that the U.S. saw a record number of billion-dollar-plus disasters. Yet the total losses weren’t…

  • Earth Looked Like Hell From Space This Year

    Earth Looked Like Hell From Space This Year

    On their own, each of the numerous weather calamities that befell the world in 2020 would be a crisis. But hurricane, floods, and wildfires intersected with the pandemic in ways that tested emergency response systems in ways they haven’t before. Piling the climate crisis on top of a public health crisis not only put evacuees…