Chalk up a peripheral victory for Apple in its long-standing battle against Samsung; The Sydney Morning Herald reports that less than two weeks after announcing he’d sell it, Kogan’s decided to withdraw from selling the Galaxy Tab 10.1. But he’s still selling iPad 2.
As per our commenters below, Kogan has shipped some Galaxy Tab 10.1 units, but no more will go out. The Herald notes that a side effect of today’s legal hearing between Apple and Samsung is that Kogan will withdraw from selling the tablet for the time being. The Herald states that a letter was sent from Apple’s legal representatives, the firm of Freehils, demanding that
Kogan immediately cease all sales, importation and marketing of the Galaxy Tab 10.1, refrain from selling it in future without Apple’s permission, deliver all remaining stock to Apple and reveal complete details of who supplied Kogan with the products.”
It doesn’t appear from the Herald article that Kogan’s complied with the latter part of the request, but has agreed to stop selling the Galaxy Tab 10.1. What’s interesting here is that while my own queries to Kogan’s representatives were met with a statement that (to quote completely)
Kogan can not comment further on this matter.
It’s clear that Kogan’s still selling iPad 2 units quite happily. There’s still the question of what will happen to existing orders. Did you order one and get it in the week and half it was on sale through Kogan? What will Apple do with all the other Galaxy Tab 10.1 grey importers? Kogan’s no doubt the most visible of them, but there’s still a few larger names out there that could well get a nasty letter from Apple any day now. [Sydney Morning Herald]