Because why not? Many a New Yorker has been caught unawares by service changes, delays and other forms of public transport stuff-ups. With that in mind, NYC Transit and Cisco are installing 47-inch On the Go! Travel Stations for flustered commuters.
The touchscreens will be a godsend (on paper) for travellers looking to get out of the subway unscathed. It’ll provide the latest information on delays and track changes, as well as details concerning repairs going on at the station you’ve just arrived at. It’ll also offer tips on where to find a spot to shop or eat and how to get there. All very cool. You’ll see these screens start to pop up at some of the major hubs in the boroughs: Penn Station, Grand Central Station, Bowling Green, Atlantic Ave-Pacific St in Brooklyn and Roosevelt Ave in Queens.
Just a few things, though. First, sharing a giant tablet with clamouring tourists doesn’t seem like a time-saving activity. And second… I praaaaayyyyyy these thing have disinfectants built in. [The Next Web]