Steve Wozniak Is Becoming An Australian Citizen

Woz loves Australia. He’s said so every time he’s been down here. One assumes that he says that to every crowd in every town he goes to, much like a rock band playing a particular city would. “We love you [City Name Here]!!” kind of thing. But Steve Wozniak genuinely loves Australia, so much so that he has applied to become an Australian citizen.

Woz says that he’s currently going through the motions to get Australian citizenship because he loves Australia so much. He won’t surrender his US citizenship or passport, rather he’ll hold onto both as a dual citizen once the process has been completed.

Where would Woz live when he becomes an Aussie? Well he told a Queensland radio program last week that he’d love to live in Melbourne.

Here’s what he told Queensland radio last week as he waited in line for the iPhone 5 in Brisbane:

I am underway to become an Australian citizen. That’s a little known fact. Probably Melbourne. Turns out that I get to keep my American citizenship and I intend…to call myself an Australian and feel Australian and study the history and become as much of a real citizen here as I can.

Who wants Woz as their neighbour? [4BC]