Updating live: Watch the first human supersonic space jump. High winds have delayed the launch of Felix Baumgartner’s insane mission to the edge of space. It’s actually going ahead at 4:30am(ish) AEDT overnight, with the actual jump a couple of hours after that. Or that’s the plan. Here’s everything you need to know to catch the show!
Hit the video above to watch the free fall live!
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For the uninformed: Baumgartner is attempting to smash four world records by diving out of a capsule that’s 37km above the earth in what is defined as “the edge of space”. He’s going to step off his capsule and begin plummeting back towards earth at the speed of sound. Whoa.
If you’re really into watching it on your TV, though, it’ll also be on 7Mate.
More at the Red Bull Stratos page.
4:42AM The mission has just been aborted “due to gusty winds”. Felix is looking very disappointed. We feel for you, buddy. The crew will try the record-breaking stunt tomorrow.
4:40AM In case you were wondering, Felix can apparently safely pee in his suit thanks to a special urine-collecting device.
4:38AM Felix looks remarkably calm and composed. Ground control is looking more nervous. Felix is strapped into the capsule that is currently attached to a crane. The balloon is still being inflated. If everything goes as planned, Felix will experience the longest freefall in history, an expected 5 minutes and 35 seconds. The current record belongs to his mentor Kittinger: 4 minutes and 36 seconds.
4:32AM The countdown clock has started! We’re just minutes away from launch now. Godspeed, Felix.
4:28AM Holy crap, it’s happening. As you can see in the live stream above, the capsule Felix is strapped into is currently being raised. The launch time is now set for 4:35AM AEDT. Felix just said to ground control: “I am strapped into the capsule, and I am ready to go.”
4:26AM Here’s another shot of Felix taken just before being raised into the capsule:
4:20AM Launch time is still set for 4:30AM AEDT. The balloon is currently being inflated. Here’s an image of Felix approaching the vehicle:
1:10AM The capsule is on the flight line and waiting for the next update by the mission meteorologist.
12:40AM As a few commenters have pointed out, it’ll take at two to three hours for Felix to ascend to jumping altitude after launch. Net result: Stay tuned, but it’s looking like early morning Australian AEDT time.
12:30AM AEDT 10/10: Mission update: Another weather conditions delay. This time 11:30 MDT (4:30am AEDT in Australia) is the earliest launch. Damn it. Not looking good for us Aussies with early starts! Unless you’re in Perth of course!
11:36PM: Launch window ticker in video stream updated to “no earlier than 8am MDT” Otherwise known as 1am AEDT in Australia.
Starting to get quite late. Who’s staying up with us!?
11:19PM: “We’re on a weather hold due to winds at 700ft – the top of our giant balloon. Next update expected soon. Launch not possible before 7:30 MDT (US Mountain Daylight Time).” That’s an hour from now: 12:30am (00:30) here in AEDT Australia.
11PM AEDT 9/10: Countdown clock looks to be readying for 11:30pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time) launch, while video says weather hold continues. Stay tuned.
Baumgartner will break the record set by United States Air Force Captain Joe Kittinger on August 16, 1960. Kittinger jumped from the Excelsior III balloon, which at the time was flying at 102,800 feet-that’s 19.47 miles or 31 kilometers up in the sky.
More importantly, he will be the first man to go supersonic without any propulsion aid. That has to hurt.
Click to zoom in on images.
Sorry about yesterday. We were so sure it was going ahead. High winds put the launch on hold for 24 hours. We’re making it up to you by telling you just how you can watch it without having to sit down in front of your TV.