Why didn’t anyone think of this earlier? Winning in Sid Meier’s: Civilization often meant racing to complete the space tree, but what would happen to your civ once you made it into the stars? Wonder no longer. The newest game in Sid Meier’s world-building sim is Civilization: Beyond Earth, and it looks epic.
While the trailer itself doesn’t show any gameplay, it’s still a gorgeous and exciting concept to take the age-old Civilization game off Earth and into the universe. It’s almost a spiritual successor to Sid Meier’s other space game, Alpha Centauri from 1999.
Getting rid of the Earth template means you can build just about anything in terms of buildings and your tech tree. Imagine if the game was part FTL and part Civilisation: flying around the galaxy en route to your planet while trying to fend off other life forms? Imagine being able to consult a Mass Effect-style planet map, choosing which planets to colonise based on their resources and positioning?
The game is being developed by Firaxis and will be out in Australia’s spring (between September and November)