Dr. Wade Marynowsky’s Nostalgia For Obsolete Futures is an interactive exhibition opening next month at the National Gallery of Victoria. Blending performance art, sound and video installations with robotics, the work includes four super-creepy programmed and Victorian-era-dressed robots that will roam the Gallery’s foyer.
The Hosts is one of Marynowsky’s pieces in Nostalgia For Obsolete Futures, which will run from 22 August until 19 October at the NGV. The hosts themselves will be on display in the foyer of the NGV’s Ian Potter Centre in Fed Square from 6 September, but Nostalgia includes a bunch of other artworks like Fish And Chips, where a robot flings chips into the air for seagulls to catch.
According to NGV director Tony Ellwood, The Hosts is comprised of “four programmed robots which will roam around the foyer of NGV Australia and the Studio, interacting with visitors through sound and movement to create an uncanny and unique experience.” They certainly look uncanny. The exhibition is free, and includes a series of talks where Wade Marynowsky will discuss his artworks. [NGV]