Princeton University is celebrating the beauty of science, a selection of of experiments and research papers that result in amazing displays of colour and motion that can be classified as contemporary art. Here are the prettiest ones.
Plenty of Fish to See. This video shows how fish can see far more than a few nearest neighbours, as is often assumed, and that the number of observable neighbours is highly variable over time. By Colin Twomey, Haishan Wu, Princeton Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
A Wake Awakening. The evolution of wake behind three flat plates, which are perpendicular to an impulsively-started fluid flow. By Scott Dawson and Clarence Rowley, Princeton Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Dancing Trapped Bubbles in a Bifurcating Channels. Two pairs of counter-rotating vortices form and the research could open the door to the use of in situ centrifuge applications in flow devices. By Jesse Ault and Howard Stone, Princeton Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Fly Me.This video illustrates the sophistication of today’s climate models with the example of Earth’s topography — and is ideally watched with coloured 3D glasses. By Martin Jucker, Princeton Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.
Microtubules Branch Out.Microtubules are hollow filaments that serve as the skeleton of the cell. They were thought to grow linearly, but this video proved that they can branch. By Sabine Petry and co-workers, Petry Lab, Princeton Department of Molecular Biology.