Looks like Apple’s Newsstand has officially gone the way of most actual newsstands. The content-sharing service has been axed, but it’s being replaced by something new: The simply-named News.
It’s free, and will deliver articles from media companies including The New York Times, Conde Nast, ESPN, and a ton of other content producers — even blogs and local news sites. It takes a page out of online readers like Flipboard, curating stories based on topics you’re interested in and news outlets you like.
As you scroll through the personalised feed, you get a reading experience that’s built for mobile, with in-line photo mosaics (instead of slideshows, though those are also available) and videos. Swipe to switch to the next article — which could also be from a different publication. Like BuzzFeed and Facebook, content is being delivered straight to the platform. Each article looks like what it’d look like on its home publication, however. Animation and infographics are also available for your mobile news consuming needs.
News will initially be available in the US, UK, and Australia with iOS 9 this fall (and the public beta next month).