The Hero4 Session is GoPro’s smallest camera. It’s a little, unibody cube that’s waterproof on its own and is even more versatile in the ways it can be mounted thanks to its lightness, its shape, and its size. We liked it a lot when we tested it, but there was a problem: At $580 it was the same price as the Hero4 Silver, which had a higher-quality image sensor and was simply a much better camera.
Well, problem solved. As of nnnnnnow, the price of the Hero4 Session has been dropped all the way down to $300. That’s a great deal. Aspiring filmmakers will probably still want to shell out more bucks for the better imagery of the Hero4 Silver or Black ($600 or $750, respectively), but for the vast majority of would-be action cam buyers, this is everything you need. It still shoots really nice footage and its form-factor is absolutely fantastic. It’s also waterproof to 10m without an additional housing, has Wi-Fi, and it’s arguably the simplest GoPro to use.
Basically, GoPro is hoping this price cut will inspire people to buy Sessions by the pallet and gift them to friends and family for the holidays. And, actually, it might work. That’s a lot of camera for $300. [GoPro]